Who can register for ASPD courses?

  • Only those who hold at least a Bachelor's degree may enroll for ASPD courses for which graduate credit is available.
  • Courses offered fully online, and courses that have face-to-face sessions that occur with videoconferencing and/or in a public location such as a hotel (but NOT in a school or district) are open for registration to anyone who holds a minimum of a BA/BS degree without restriction to position, school, district, employer, etc.
  • Courses offered at a school/district site are open only to those employed by that school/district unless the registration information specifically states that the course is open to others outside of the school/district.

Can someone register who is close to completing a Bachelor's degree?
Unfortunately not. Only those who currently possess an earned BA/BS degree may register and attend an ASPD course. For example, student teachers or paraprofessionals who do not yet hold a BA/BS may not register or attend.

Is financial aid or assistance available?
Because fees are paid to ASPD and the partner University at different times, payments can be scheduled to accommodate individual financial situations. Thus, many consider this equivalent to a payment plan. However, because ASPD is not an institution of higher education, no traditional financial aid options are available.

What courses do I need?
ASPD offers courses that can be used for a variety of purposes. Typically, these include fulfilling recertification requirements, additional endorsements, electives, and general professional development/professional learning.

As such, individuals need to consult official sources for answers to the question: What courses should I take?
For example, those wishing to earn credits toward an additional endorsement would consult their state's certification or licensing division which outlines coursework requirements. Generally, these can be found online.

How do I register to take an ASPD course?
Click the Register tab on the main menu.

Login to your OnlineRegistrationCenter account. Those registering for an ASPD course the first time will click "Create Account" in order to register.
Registration is completed in two steps:

  1. Register for a course at the ASPD Registration website.
  2. To obtain graduate credit, register as a student at University of Massachusetts Global, our fully-accredited and reputable university partner. Further directions are provided after the ASPD course begins. An additional credit fee is required to obtain graduate credit.

What if I already took one or more of the courses I need somewhere else?
Individuals may take as many or as few courses as desired through ASPD. Whether individuals have taken courses through other providers has no bearing on registration with ASPD.

What courses are available through ASPD and how are they delivered?
Courses are offered in either a blended format or fully online, as indicated beside each course in the table below.

Courses offered in a blended format include 6 to 8 face-to-face sessions with the remainder of the work completed online.
Courses offered fully online are self-paced and are instructor-supported.
All courses for which graduate credit is available are structured to meet universal standards for regular 3 credit hour graduate courses.

*States typically provide detailed information about requirements on their websites. Each participant is solely responsible to ensure that courses apply for the purpose(s) intended. Because ASPD courses are open to educational professionals worldwide, ASPD is unable to provide guidance or direction as requirements vary widely among countries, states, agencies, and employers.

Registration for graduate credit
What about course numbers and titles?
Titles at our credit granting partner institution of higher education may vary from ASPD course titles and numbers.

Where difference occur. match the four digits between the two (e.g., University code EDEU 9362 EX1 and ASPD EDEU9362-BL-BU-140301-140715)

  • Verify reasonable variations in title.
  • University: EDEU 9362 EX1 - Issues in Assessing Students with Disabilities
  • ASPD: EDDU9362-140101-140315-BU-OL - Strategies for Assessment of Students with Learning Disabilities
  • University: EDEU9362-EX1 - Issues in Assessing Students with Disabilities
  • ASPD: EDEU9362-1401-140315-BU-BL - Methods of Teaching Middle School Math

  1. Do I need graduate credit?
    The receiving entity (e.g., state, employer, university, accrediting body, etc.) establishes requirements for whether graduate credit is required, or whether some type of continuing education units or simply a certificate of completion is acceptable. Check the requirements of the entity to which evidence of course completion will be sent.

    As ASPD courses are offered to enable professionals around the world to fulfill a variety of professional learning needs, it is not possible for ASPD staff to provide guidance about individual state, organizational, or employer requirements.

    In general, however, graduate credit is usually required when courses are taken to fulfill requirements for an additional endorsement (add-on certification) on a professional license. Additionally, many employers require graduate credit for lane/step/salary advancement, and oftentimes graduate credit is a requirement for recertification.

    How do I register and pay at a partner University when I wish to obtain credit for an ASPD course?

    Register through the ASPD online registration system to take the course.
  2. Directions are provided for how to register for graduate credit after the course begins.
  3. A separate registration and payment is required for each course for which graduate credit is desired.

Please note that creating more than one account at a partner university will result in inaccuracies on transcripts and can require as much as one full month to correct. Any delays or inaccuracies with grade reports, transcript requests, or other official university records are solely the responsibility of the student. Neither ASPD nor the partner university can accept any responsibility for unforeseen problems or delays one experiences as a result of creating more than one student account at that institution. 

Because ASPD and university partner systems are unique and not connected electronically, separate accounts and login credentials are needed for each.

Transcripts, Records, and Certification
Will ASPD let my state or employer know after I complete courses I take through ASPD?

No. Informing a state or employer of successful course completion is the responsibility of the student. Additionally, those taking courses through ASPD are responsible to consult their state's certification website and/or their employer to be certain of requirements, and to ensure credits will apply for the purpose(s) intended.

How will my state certification office and/or employer know when I complete courses I take through ASPD?

  • Follow the directions at your state's certification website.

What if I plan to use the credits for courses taken through ASPD for employment purposes such as salary or lane/step advancement?

  • Verify with the employer that course credits will be acceptable before registering and paying for the course.
  • Follow employer directions after completing a course.

  • What if I am taking course through ASPD to fulfill recertification requirements?
    Follow the directions and requirements of the individual, office, or agency which manages the recertification process.

    I'm now teaching on an Early Childhood license, but I am considering moving to a new position in which I will be employed on my High School license.

    Will I need different courses for an ESL or Bilingual endorsement if I switch levels?
    This will vary from state to state. Consult your state certification/licensing department.

    Courses at your Site
    How can we get ASPD courses offered at my school/district?
    ASPD will consider launching new sites that will generate a minimum enrollment of 20 registrants.

    An administrator may contact registration@aspdgroup.com for further information.

    Is there anything a site can do to ensure it 'holds'?
    Word of mouth and outreach to colleagues in neighboring schools is the most common way for teachers and/or administrators to encourage the number of enrollments required to ensure a new site 'holds'.

    Administrators are encouraged to notify their administrative colleagues of the availability of ASPD courses at their site who then, in turn, notify their staff members.

    Teachers are encouraged to text, call, and email colleagues and friends from neighboring schools, those they may have served on committees with, etc.

    Problems During Courses
    I don't understand the assignment prompt.
    Contact the course facilitator/instructor.

    Click "Users" on the left panel
  • Locate the instructor/facilitator
  • Click the name
  • Click "Send Email"

  • I can login to the OnlineClassroom but I don't see my current course listed.
    Courses do not appear in the ASPD OnlineClassroom until after the course start date.

    An email with login directions for accessing the OnlineClassroom is sent to the email address used at the time of registration. If you are not certain of the email address used, return to the ASPD OnlineRegistrationCenter and login.

    Emails are sent as follows:

    FOR FULLY ONLINE COURSES - At the start date and time listed (For example: July 12, 11:ooam)
  • FOR BLENDED/TRADITIONAL COURSES - After the 2nd face-to-face session, unless otherwise indicated in the course registration details or by the instructor
  • If no email is received within 12 hours after the time specified above, send an email to helpdesk [at] aspdgroup.com.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title="A link in the OnlineClassroom does not work." open="false"]

    Click the "Help" tab in the OnlineClassroom and submit a help ticket.
    An assignment prompt or direction references missing components.
    Send an email to helpdesk [at] aspdgroup.com.

    Please be specific in your email: include the full course title and activity name as well as the problem. ASPD cannot provide effective support without this level of detailed information.

    For example:

    Bad Example: "The rubric is not available in the Connect activity for my course."
  • Good Example: "The rubric in Connect 5: Learning to Write a Poem does not work in the course ABCD1234-BL-STU-D101-SMITH-100516."

  • Refund Policy
    What is the University of Massachusetts Global refund policy?
    No refunds are provided after a registration is completed.

    What is the ASPD refund policy?
    Unless otherwise specified in the description of the ASPD event the refund policy will be as follows.

    ASPD issues refunds up to 15 days prior to the start date of a course or program because all program commitments are finalized based on registrations at that time (i.e., instructors/presenters, space, etc.)

    There are no refunds less than 15 days prior to the event start date.

    Those who register less than 15 days prior to a start date are not entitled to a refund and are responsible for full payment.

    Lost/Forgot Password
    I forgot my ASPD OnlineRegistrationCenter username/password.
    Click the "Forgot Password" link on the ASPD OnlineRegistrationCenter login page and follow the directions given.

    Please allow as much as 15 minutes to receive the email containing next steps. If you don't receive an email, please check your spam or bulk email folder.
    I forgot my ASPD OnlineClassroom username/password.

    Click the "Forgot Password" link on the ASPD OnlineClassroom login page and follow the directions given.

    Please allow as much as 15 minutes to receive the email containing next steps. If you don't receive an email, please check your spam or bulk email folder.

    I forgot my University of Massachusetts Global username/password.
    ASPD has no access to any of your Brandman login information.

    For Brandman username/password help, click

    Tax InformationUpdated: March 5, 2015


    Submit receipts f
    or tuition paid to ASPD and the University partner to your tax professional.

    1098-T statements are NOT issued by our partner universities. The IRS only permits 1098-T forms to be issued to those who take courses as part of enrollment in a full degree program (e.g., BA, MA, etc.). ASPD courses are offered as general elective courses.

    Because ASPD is not an institution of higher education, ASPD is unable to issue 1098T forms.

    Fees paid to ASPD for professional development classes taken to advance one's professional knowledge are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Consult a tax professional knowledgeable about
    IRS Regulations regarding Employee Business Expenses.

    Present receipts obtained from ASPD to a tax-professional. If you do not have your receipts from ASPD, the tax professional will need to determine if credit card statements can be substituted.

    ASPD is unable to reissue receipts as these are automatically generated one time at the time of payment.


    ASPD accepts purchase orders ONLY from the Chicago Public Schools (Vendor #22611) at this time. Other districts/corporations should email registration [@] aspdgroup.com.

    ASPD only accepts Purchase Orders for fees due to ASPD for the course registration. (Fees for graduate credit are paid directly to the credit-granting institution.)
  • Issuance of a PO DOES NOT constitute registration and does not guarantee successful completion of a course.
  • Each individual must complete their own registration for a course online. Fees in effect at the time of registration apply regardless of the fees in effect at the time the PO was created (e.g., late fees).

    Unit/School issues a PO to ASPD (Vendor #22611).
  • List only ONE course registration on a single Purchase Order
  • Note that payment for graduate credit is separate from registration to take a course at ASPD (See Graduate Credit Registration information on our Courses, Credits, and Fee Information page)

Purchase Order EXAMPLE Lines
NOTE: Course Title, Location, AND Start Date MUST be included along with names/emails of EACH specific attendee.

Code / Description / Unit Cost / Total cost
EDEU9392 / Linguistics at Washington HS, Jan 13, 2013 - Mary Smith (msmith@yourdomain.edu), Carlos Ramirez (cramirez1@yourdomain.edu), Ted Smith (tjsmith6@yourdomain.com) / $650 / $1950

  • ASPD automatically receives a notice through the CPS ORACLE System when the PO is 'live'
  • ASPD will email a registration Code to each individual at the email provided in the purchase order within 2 business days of receipt of the PO and the PO creator specified on the PDF version.
  • Each attendee will need to complete his/her individual ASPD online registration within 48 hours of the time the PO Code is sent.


    EACH ATTENDEE completes his/her course registration through the OnlineRegistrationCenter which is accessed by clicking the PROFESSIONAL LEARNING tab on the main menu at www.aspdgroup.com
  • When completing the online registration, the registrant enters the code provided in the PO Code section of the online registration form to bypass requirement for payment by credit/debit card.
  • ASPD will be unable to honor registrations of those who do not complete their registration within the 48 hours if space is not available.
  • Failure to register within 48 hours may result in additional fees (e.g., late fees).


    ASPD is under no obligation to admit any individual who did not complete the online registration process regardless of reason.
  • ASPD assumes no responsibility for any outcomes resulting from an individual's failure to properly complete the online registration process within the time specified.
  • ASPD reserves the right to cancel a course at any time for any reason, at its sole discretion. Acceptance of a PO does NOT constitute a requirement, agreement, or contract for ASPD to 'run' a course, program, or event, unless the PO is the result of a written, signed, contractual agreement between ASPD and the purchaser.

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